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Directive Publications welcomes original research articles, clinical studies, review articles, case reports, and perspectives that contribute to advancing knowledge and understanding in medical and scientific research.

A preprint is a preliminary version of a scholarly or scientific paper that is shared publicly before formal peer review and publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
Annals of Agricultural Science And Technology
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Impact Factor: 1.804* | ISSN: 2836-2543
Annals of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
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Impact Factor: 2 | ISSN: 2766-7472
Annals of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
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Impact Factor: 1.6 | ISSN: 2770-4483
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
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Impact Factor: 1.9 | ISSN: 2998-9213
Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology Research
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Impact Factor: 2.203* | ISSN: 2766-2756
Journal of Nutrition and Food Science Research
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Impact Factor: 2 | ISSN: 2770-4475
Journal of Respiratory Medicine and Research
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